Corundum (alumina)

Alumina is one of the most popular ceramics due to its high hardness, wear and chemical resistance. Alumina used in our products provides high electrical strength, therefore, it is often utilised as insulators. Compared to other ceramics, alumina is an excellent heat conductor. Alumina is characterized by a high maximal operating temperature, but it is not very resistant to thermal shocks.

This material is used for machines and devices parts subject to fast wear and elements revealing insulating properties. Alumina is used to make pump plungers, valve balls, screws, pipe and elbow linings, refractory elements, insulators and insulating elements.


Properties of corundum with different alumina contents

Properties/MaterialAl2O3 99,7%Al2O3 98%Al2O3 96%Al2O3 92%
Apparent density, g/cm3

Bending strength, MPa380363338330
Young’s modulus, GPa300280280220
Electric strength, kV/mm 17151515
Resistance, Ω.m
at 20oC
at 200oC
at 600oC




Heat shock resistance, K150140140140

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